Digital Week 2022 in Latvia promoting digital skills and digital transformation

The Digital Week is a national annual information and awareness raising campaign in Latvia promoting digital skills and digital transformation. The Digital Week in Latvia is coordinated by the Latvian Information and Communication technology association (LIKTA) in cooperation with the Latvian Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition. The main objective of the Digital Week in Latvia is to raise awareness of the importance of digital skills among the wider society, as well as to provide practical support for the acquisition of new digital skills for different target audiences.

More than 230 partners amongst which ICT companies, ministries, public authorities, NGOs and regional coordinators, municipalities, schools, adult education centres and more than 100 #libraries took part in the 2021 week organisation. The Digital Week in Latvia is organised in partnership with the  European All Digital week.

The Digital Week takes place in Latvia for the 12th year already. Since its start, more than 5.500 face-to-face and online events have been organised, succeeding in bringing together more than 350.000 Latvians. In 11 years of All Digital Week of 2010-2020, over 200,000 Europeans used the Internet for the first time and more than 1,300,000 people have enhanced their digital skills through training events.

The Digital Week annual campaign includes both centralised high-level National Coalition member events and debates, which can be followed live on the Internet, as well as events taking place in all Latvian regions: schools, libraries, non-governmental organisations, municipalities and businesses. It is also possible to test your digital skills via different self-assessment tests and digital skills competitions.

The Digital Week 2022 in Latvia will take place from 21st to 26th of March 2022 and will be focusing on the Latvian priorities to reach the European Digital Decade targets. Thematic days during Digital Week 2022 in Latvia will be devoted to the 4 Digital Decade pillars: Skills, Government, Infrastructure and Business.

Enhance your #DIGITALSKILLS and be a #DigitalBiblio HERO!

More information on ALL Digital Weeks 2022 events across Europe is available here: