Meet the experts of the BIBLIO MOOC – weeks #1-3

Our Massive Open Online Course is in full swing, with more than 1200 people registered! Every Monday, one-hour long live webinars introduce participants to renown experts from the field, who add practical experience and case studies to the content that they have been studying on the MOOC platform the week before.

In a series of blogposts, we will introduce these experts and their topics. Today, we invite you to meet the experts who have or will be presenting during the first three webinars of the MOOC.

11th October 2021

Anna Maria Tammaro is Full Professor in Sector 11 / A4, she has taught in Parma since 2000 as coordinator and teacher of the International Information Studies Master (MAIS) with North Umbria University and subsequently (2006) of the International Master Digital Library Learning (DILL) with Tallinn University and Parma. She has been a lecturer in the joint course of the Universities of Parma and Modena and Reggio since 2011, teaching digital publishing. Tammaro designed and taught (2016) the MOOC “Digital Library in Theory and Practice” on the European EMMA platform: the course in Italian, Spanish and English had 1500 participants. Tammaro has coordinated and participated in numerous European projects on digitization such as the more recent NMPLIS, NAVIGATE, OBERRED, NEWCOMER. Tammaro was a member of the IFLA Governing Board (2007-2009; 2011-2013) and is currently a member of the ASIS&T Board and a member of AILIS. In the BIBLIO webinar on 11th October 2021 she presents on the topic Introduction to digitization.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dobrinka Atanasova Stoykova is a lecturer in children’s programs for librarians; reference work; e-learning; continuing education; public libraries services. She has published 6 books, over 90 studies and articles. Four of the books are on best practices in public and school libraries such as “Library services for children and school children in German school and public libraries (2000)” and “Good practices for reading competence of children and students (2013)”. She participates actively in national and international projects, for example in DASUN – Danube universities for adult learning. She organized a workshop on “Public relations and marketing in libraries and culture institutions” and has hold lectures about marketing and public relations in libraries in the ERASMUS program for students from Croatia, Turkey and Bulgaria (as part of ERASMUS project LibCMASS). She has also hold lectures on information literacy for children and schoolchildren in ERASMUS program for students from Croatia, Turkey, France and Bulgaria in Zagreb, Croatia and was the moderator for educational activities within the national project “Developing a network of continuing education centers for librarian organizers, serving the small local communities”. Prof. Dr. Stoykova speaks about “How important it is to choose strategic goals in the library” in relation to the topic of the second module of the BIBLIO MOOC, Strategic thinking and business plan development.

Elena Koeva-Yurchenko is a library and information specialist with 40 years of professional experience consecutively as a librarian, methodologist, „Dora Gabe“ Regional library director and Director of the Library and Information Complex of Varna University of Management. She also has an educational and scientific degree Doctor of Book Science, Library Science and Bibliography from the University of Library Science and Information Technology in Sofia. She has international experience gained through specializations in France and the United States, as well as in various academic libraries in Finland, Spain, Portugal and France under the Erasmus and Erasmus + Programmes. She has worked as a trainer in various projects for continuing education of librarians in Bulgaria. She has experience as a part-time assistant in the course “Library and Information Technologies” of the Pedagogical College, Dobrich of University of Shumen “Ep. Konstantin Preslavski”. Ms Koeva-Yurchenko shares her expertise on the topic of Valuing ideas through her presentation “The idea – from its birth to its realization”.


18th October 2021

Kyriaki Zoutsou is a PHD student at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Athens, Greece since 2020. She holds a BSc and a Msc in Information Science, both from the Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece in 2003 and 2007 respectively. Her research interests include digital humanities, cultural heritage, machine learning techniques, open science and research policies. Ms Zoutsou talks about Looking for a needle in a haystack in relation to module Spotting opportunities.

Laura Ballestra is Reference Librarian at LIUC University. She is a member of IFLA Reference and Information Services Committee. She is Information Literacy Instructor at LIUC University. She wrote articles and books about information literacy and library research process in schools and universities (See ORCHID list of publications: Ms Ballestra talks about “MEETmeTONIGHT@LIUC University Library: statistical information research Lab for high school students”.

Giannis Tsakonas holds a BA in Librarianship from the Department of Archives and Library Sciences, Ionian University, Greece and a PhD in Information Science from the same Department. Currently, he works as Acting Director in the Library & Information Center, University of Patras, Greece. Since July 2016, he is member of the Executive Board of LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche – Association of European Research Libraries), chairing also its Innovative Scholarly Communication Steering Committee, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Consortium of Hellenic Academic Libraries. Mr Tsakonas speaks about “Fake news and the scholarly communication. The role of research libraries”. Ms Ballestra’s and Mr Tsakonas’ intervene on the topic of module Identifying and evaluating fake data, information, and digital content.

Leo Van Audenhove is professor and head of department at the Department of Communication Studies of Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He is a researcher at iMEC-SMIT – Studies on Media, Innovation and Technology at the same university. He is extra-ordinary professor at the University of the Western Cape. In 2013, he was instrumental in setting up the Knowledge Centre for Digital and Media Literacy in Flanders, of which he subsequently became the director. The center was established by government as an independent center to promote digital and media literacy in Flanders. His research focuses on media and data literacy, digital inclusion and ICT4D. Prof. Audenhove showcases The Data Literacy Competence Model in Flanders in relation to the module Managing data, information, and digital content.


25th October 2021

Paola Manoni is the Head of the Coordination of IT Services at the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV). Her research and work area are focused on metadata, digital libraries, interoperability protocols and long-term preservation of cultural heritage. She is the chair of the UNI Technical Committee “Documentation and Information”. Under the responsibility of the Committee, she is also the chair the Sub Committee “Technical interoperability”. She represents the Vatican Library in many international initiatives such as the IIIF Consortium and, in this context, she is also co-chairing the “IIIF Discovery for Humans” Working Group. Ms Manoni talks about “Crossing the boundaries of digital technologies in libraries” within module Interacting through digital technologies (online meetings) of BIBLIO MOOC.

Toumazis Toumazi is the Project Officer at the Cyprus Computer Society (CCS). He is a graduate of geology but for the past 10+ years he has been involved in the management of European and other programs, as well as actions in which people of all ages and from different backgrounds participate. Since 2018 he has been working at the CCS coordinating projects and various activities but at the same time, he is interested in science communication to the general public. Mr Toumazi talks to us about the importance of digital skills, various digital educational tools and how they could be used by organisations to attract and interact with their audience. His presentation is entitled “Enabling participation with the use of online interactive tools” and falls within the scope of module Collaboration and sharing through digital technologies.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kalina Ivanova is Director of the Regional Library “Petko Rachev Slaveykov”, Veliko Tarnovo. Since June 2015 she has been a senior assistant at the Department of Book Publishing and Library Information Activities, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at the University of Veliko Tarnovo and lecturer in the Department of Library Management at UniBIT. She is a member of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Library and Information Association and manager and coordinator of projects under the Lifelong Learning Programme and Programmes for Preservation of Literary and Cultural-Historical Heritage in Libraries, Museums and Archives for the period 2015-2020. Her presentation titled “Marketing techniques for promoting the cultural and information activities of the Regional library “Petko R. Slaveykov”, Veliko Tarnovo” is a practical case study of module Marketing and promotion of the BIBLIO MOOC.

To be continued….