Findings from the Biblio project presented at the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2020

On 7-8 October 2020, our partner ALL DIGITAL organised its annual summit online in collaboration with German partners – members of the ALL DIGITAL network – Helliwood, JOBLINGE, and Digital Opportunities Foundation. The ALL DIGITAL Summit 2020 had the overall theme “Competences for the Future” with the following four streams of subjects running through keynotes, panels, workshops, and lightning talks:

  • Towards a version 2.2 of DigComp
  • The future of digital competence centres
  • Recognition of digital competence certificates in Europe
  • Lessons learned during Covid-19
The future of digital competences centres: Findings from the BIBLIO project.

Under the ‘Future’ stream, Tiana Zignani from our partner organisation “Public Libraries 2030″, presented the Biblio project in a lightning talk. Lightning talks are seven-minute presentations of projects or initiatives followed by two minutes of questions from the audience.

The lightning talk presented the findings of our Biblio project, that is being implemented during 2019-2022 by a consortium of 10 partners from Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, and Latvia. This project aims to identify the skills gap in the library sector as a result of the digital transformation and develop a VET curriculum to meet the needs of the library sector.

Tiana talked about the findings and methodology from the initial research phase and gave a quick overview of the results at national level. She touched on the various training needs for library professionals regarding DigComp 2.1 areas (safety, digital content creation, and problem solving), communication, and digitisation as well as the job profiles that were developed.

The aim of this talk was to push for the redefinition of roles within the library sector as a consequence of the digital transformation. In doing so, the Biblio project recognizes that libraries should evolve to meet the current skills needs and to equip their staff and users with the skills relevant for today’s digital environment.

You can watch the talk in this full video of Day 1 of the Summit)

(08:22:35 The future of digital competences centres: Findings from the BIBLIO project. Tiana Zignani, Public Libraries 2030, Belgium.)

You can check the recordings of both days plenary sessions and workshops on ALL DIGITAL’s YouTube Channel