BiblioYoda: Gamification in libraries

Have you ever tried to make a collection of points… in the library?

In the library system Biblioteche di Roma simple users can turn into “BiblioYoda” in few steps. Users can borrow a book and accumulate points that each activity is worth: to leave a comment in the BiblioTu Portal about the book or a comment to someone else’s comment; take part in an event; use other library services; renew library card; but also return a loan on time and share social media post about a book borrowed. But that’s not all, users can also lose points, for example, by making inappropriate comments, so it’s important to know about netiquette too. The accumulation of points improves the reader’s status and allows all BiblioYodas to obtain the library card free of charge (means the one that requires a small cost for more demanding services such as interlibrary city loans).

The purpose of this initiative is to stimulate user participation in a funny way. The BiblioYoda game is based on cognitive psychology principles.

The Istituzione Sistema Biblioteche di Roma is the instrumental body of Roma Capitale for the management of cultural services. The purpose of the Istituzione Biblioteche is to guarantee the right to culture and information, promoting the development of culture and communication in all their forms. Biblioteche di Roma system has 39 throughout the city.


Featured image by Juliane Liebermann on Unsplash