DAISSy-HOU links BIBLIO with the T4SVEN EU project!

The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University, the Greek project partner, links BIBLIO with another EU project called “T4SVEN” (KA226-A8A482F6).

The #T4SVEN project (Training 4 Skills in Virtual Environment) aims to develop a methodological framework and pilot an online training course to support Vocational Education Training (VET) teachers to apply digital technologies to sector-specific skills training in digital or blended learning environments.

Through the T4SVEN activities, the VET trainers will improve their competencies, motivation and self-efficacy to create and deliver training in a virtual environment. They will also positively reflect on the quality of remote work-based teaching and learning in the VET sector.

This will be achieved first by identifying a concept framework (review, analysis and proposal of a conceptual framework of the digital pedagogy in VET, with a special focus on WBL). Then  a digital course curriculum will be developed with a digital course focus on WBL. This will be complemented by a game-based, virtual reality educational platform and completed through a peer evaluation of the framework for VET teachers.

The T4SVEN project will strengthen international cooperation in the digital transformation of education and advance the inclusiveness of VET by developing an open source methodology for further transfer and adaptation.

In terms of impact, the improved competencies, motivation and self-efficacy of VET teachers will benefit their cooperation with workplace trainers.

Based on the positive impact on the quality of teaching and learning at their institutions, VET providers will increase their digital readiness and ensure the transfer of competencies, pedagogy and technology across their institutions. In the long-term, an innovative, open-source framework and course carries a high multiplication potential for transfer and adaptation by other education providers, workplace trainers, policymakers and other stakeholders on both national and European levels, in VET and beyond.

The BIBLIO findings will be transferred by DAISSy Research Group of HOU within the implementation of the T4SVEN training methodology, the current development of the project MOOC and the formulation of the game-based, virtual reality educational platform so that the beneficiaries of both projects fully gain from this valuable exchange of experience.