Linking EUHeritage and Biblio projects

Our project partner DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University links Biblio with its “EUHeritage” project. EUHeritage is also a Sector Skills Alliance project, which brings together 10 partners from 7 European countries: Italy, Spain, Greece, Germany, Malta, Romania, Belgium (601073-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA).

The EUHeritage project (Skills for promotion, valorization, exploitation, mediation and interpretation of European Cultural Heritage) aims at contributing to innovative and cross-disciplinary approaches in order to create a new transnational curriculum for cultural heritage professionals, focused on digital skills, transferable and transversal competences, soft skills and skills connected to “experience tourism” in the field of Cultural Heritage (CH).

  • This will be achieved first by identifying the necessary competences and the skills required for the cultural heritage professionals, then by developing the occupational core profiles for professionals employed in the field of CH (level 5 and 6 EQF) and by providing targeted training together with a set of assorted tools. The report analysis is already available on the EUHeritage website.
  • The training will be built on three pillars, i.e. cultural heritage, experience tourism, and digital dimension, with the outer goal to create and produce innovative experiences for tourists and local communities for a sustainable promotion of  CH using digital dimension developing participation and  links with creative communities. The course will be online during spring 2021.
  • The tools will include an instructional meta-methodology, where new scenarios will be included that the pandemic situation activated in the cultural and tourism contexts: new paradigms of interpretation needed, in order to rethink the products, the demand, the activities of the offer and the policies to re-launch destinations and sites!

It is noteworthy, that the EUHeritage e-platform will be created under Creative Commons licenses and Open Educational Resources. It is expected to foster the cooperation of the CH sector with other sectors and industries, in particular technology, tourism, SMEs, and Creative and Cultural industries, to allow further scope for creativity, innovation, and sustainability.

As you see, our two projects have a lot in common! The #BIBLIO and #EUHeritage findings will be transferred bilaterally and effectively by DAISSy Research Group of HOU within the implementation period, so that the beneficiaries of both projects fully gain from this valuable exchange of experience.