Biblio project in the scientific paper in ‘International Information & Library Review’

Great interest in our Biblio project! We do not stop working to design innovative professional profiles that will address the challenge of managing the Digital Cultural Heritage and the digital age. The current dramatic emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic highlights the need for awareness and shared digital culture to address this hardly critical moment, and, at the same time, to learn how we can manage the curation of digital resources over time.

In this scenario, the publication of a scientific paper on the Biblio project in the prestigious “International Information & Library Review” edited by Taylor & Francis, whose scientific fields are related to the impact on the culture of digital libraries, has great relevance.

This Review “operates at the heart of the Knowledge and Information Economy. It is one of the world’s leading business intelligence, academic publishing, knowledge and events businesses”.

The article The Project BIBLIO – Boosting digital skills and competencies for librarians in Europe: A new perspective for the curation of Digital Cultural Heritage is authored by the project Italian partners: Prof. Nicola Barbuti, University of Bari Aldo Moro; Sara di Giorgio, the Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and Bibliographic Information; and Altheo Valentini, EGInA.

The goals of the project are summarised briefly in the following abstract extracted by the paper:

“The role of digital libraries is changing, offering new services supporting the user’s activities. Libraries and librarians are facing the need for a reinvention of models, ways of working, and techniques.

The project Biblio addresses the skills gap in the library sector due to the digital transformation that is changing the role of libraries and library professionals. The paper describes how the project is planning to facilitate the acquisition of digital and transversal competencies for library professionals, by setting up a system for competencies assessment, learning offer, and validation and recognition”.

Keywords: Digital librarians, digital cultural heritage, digital libraries, Library and Information Science (LIS) education and training Here it is possible to find the link of the article:

Link to the publication

The paper has been published thanks to the interest of our friend and colleague Anna Maria Tammaro. She is the Director and long-time Editor of the column “Digital Heritage: spotlight on Europe” of the International “Information and Library Review”. She is also one of the IFLA maximum experts of digital curation and the Director of the Tuscany AIB Section Newsletter.


Featured image by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash