DigComp 2.2 update

In March 2022, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission published the latest update of the Digital Competence Framework, DigComp 2.2, featuring more than 250 new examples of knowledge, skills, and attitudes!

For more than a decade, the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens #DigComp has provided a common understanding, across the EU and beyond, of what #digitalcompetences is, and therefore provided a basis for framing #DigitalSkills policy. There is already a high awareness of DigComp as the EU-wide framework for developing and measuring digital competence.

Since its adoption, DigComp has provided a scientifically solid and technology-neutral basis for a common understanding of digital skills and framing policy. However, things move fast in the digital sphere and a lot has happened since the framework was last updated in 2017. More specifically, emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, datafication or new phenomena such as misinformation and disinformation, have led to new and increased digital literacy requirements on the part of the citizen, including those working in the #library and #VET sector. The DigComp 2.2 update available from March 2022, therefore takes account of the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed by citizens in the face of these developments.

#DigitalBiblio partners believe that library professionals need to be able to fact-check online content and its sources (information literacy), and they need competences when interacting with AI systems, to enable them to benefit from the new opportunities offered by technologies, while dealing with the risks stemming from recent developments in social media and digital technologies.

This updated 2.2 version contains two main parts:

  • The integrated DigComp 2.2 framework provides more than 250 new examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes that help citizens engage confidently, critically and safely with digital technologies, and new and emerging ones such as systems driven by artificial intelligence (AI). The framework is also made available following the digital accessibility guidelines, as creating accessible digital resources is an important priority today.
  • The second part of the publication gives a snapshot of the existing reference material for DigComp consolidating previously released publications and references.

Thanks to this update, DigComp will continue to play a central role in achieving the ambitious EU objectives set out by the Digital Decade and compass, with regard to the digital upskilling of the whole population – 80% of EU citizens to have basic digital skills by 2030.

By Data Media Group

Sources of information: https://digital-skills-jobs.europa.eu/en/latest/news/latest-update-digcomp-22-now-published and https://digital-skills-jobs.europa.eu/en/inspiration/research/digcomp-22-update-digital-competence-framework-citizens