The Milan Library System and the States General of Libraries

The city of Milan is paying specific attention to the world of libraries.

New libraries, in fact, are being born, in suburban areas of the city, with the aim of no longer being just places to borrow books but rather places to meet and to socialise.

The BEIC Foundation Library (Biblioteca Europea di Informazione e Cultura, European Library of Information and Culture) will be financed with PNRR funds and intends to combine within its overall structure the characteristics of a large public lending library with those of a research library.

Other libraries in the pipeline are those in the Calvairate, Lorenteggio, Sant’Ambrogio and Paravia areas.

In the meantime, on 25 and 26 October 2022, the first States General of Libraries will be held in Milan at Castello Sforzesco, organised by the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Milan in collaboration with AIB and ANCI to promote reflection on the role of libraries in public policies for urban regeneration and sustainable development of cities.

On this occasion, the Milan Charter for Libraries will be presented and signed by the administrators. This Charter is a policy document devised by the culture councillors of the main Italian cities and open to sharing with other administrators to revitalise the role of libraries and enhance their services.

With the Milan Charter administrators hope for the creation of a working table coordinated by the Ministry of Culture to reflect on a national library strategy.

Furthermore, the participation of representatives from Paris, London, Madrid and Berlin in the States General will create a stimulating discussion on the prospects for future collaboration and will allow the sharing of good practices and experiences.

For further information click here.

The proceedings will be held in Italian and English, with simultaneous translation. Participation is free of charge after registration, until the number of places available in the hall is reached.