Training as the core of the digital future

“By now Cultural Digital Heritage Education has become an essential element of the knowledge and competencies of a global citizenship, and its valorization in the material, immaterial and digital heritage is by itself multi-, trans- and interdisciplinary, founded as it is on active and participative shared methodologies that require strong synergies between the territories and their educational bodies through an actual involvement both of the actors of the institutional educational system (schools, universities) and of those who operate in the fields of informal learning and of the valorization and preservation of cultural heritage”.[1]

Recently, the fourth meeting edition of Jazz’Inn (30 July – 1 August 2020) was held in Pietrelcina, BN. This format would encourage dialogue between technological and social innovation. The idea is a real think tank, where innovators, investors and professionals in the processes of innovation and sustainable change meet to share their proposals. Once again, Ampioraggio has coordinated the format: a foundation that deals with creating new opportunities on the domestic and international market by generating socio-economic value.

During the 2019 edition of Jazz’Inn, the Ampioraggio Foundation launched the “LA CARTA DI PIETRELCINA” on education for Digital Cultural Heritage. The contents of this document, which was signed also by the Italian Ministry of Culture (MiBACT), have many links with the topics of the Biblio project. So, to better promote the topics of the project that are connected with the CARTA among the participants in the Jazz’Inn 2020 edition, DISUM and DiCultHer have created a booklet titled “Training as the core of the digital future”. The paper discusses the issue of identification of new professionals, such as digital librarian and digital curator. In a friendly meeting environment, it debated a topic fundamental of the project: digital field applied to the Cultural Heritage, “to educate young people to new roles and social responsibilities, in a world that will be increasingly digitalized and interconnected”.[2]

This document has increased its importance in the contemporary scenario post COVID-19, due to the recognition that digital and digitization play a fundamental role in an undefined Culture, which needs to be revalued. More than before, Culture is fluid, and the Cultural and the Digital Cultural Heritage too, consequently. The actual necessities have matured connections with “a sustainable social, cultural and economic growth that the network has resumed and re-launched in Europe”.[3]

To learn more about the event in Italian, check here

  1. Cit. Barbuti N. & Marinucci C. (2020) Training as the core of the digital future p.11
  2. Cit. Barbuti N. & Marinucci C. (2020) Training as the core of the digital future p.4
  3. Cit. Barbuti N. & Marinucci C. (2020) Training as the core of the digital future p.7


Featured image by ROBIN WORRALL on Unsplash