
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies

119, Tzarigradsko Shose, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
Prof. DSc. Director
Ivanka Yankova
Denitsa Dimitrova Email:

The Center for Vocational Training of ULSIT (The University of Library Studies and Information Technologies) is licensed by the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training with license № 2015121282 from 24.02.2016 and conducts licensed courses in Sofia and in the country.

Each of the specialized courses opens an additional door to professional realization on the labour market. The learners have the real opportunity to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the working environment throughout the training itself.

Мission of CVT  is to promote vocational training opportunities for unemployed people, recent high school graduates, people in need of guidance for vocational guidance, employees of organizations in need of a higher level of qualification, citizens seeking their own training and qualification.

CVT of ULSIT works towards the following goals:

  • To consult students or recently graduated high school, who have to make the choice in their career development, to make decisions for the choice of higher and / or vocational education, training and work.
  • To conduct information meetings with unemployed persons over 18 years to present opportunities for acquiring professional qualification meeting the demand of the labor market.
  • To consult people who want to choose a new direction of their career development, to make the right choice for a new job or professional endeavor meeting their requirements.